Did you hear the fabulous news? Hilary Henderson & Heather Anderson are joining the Primal Soul Squad to bring even more incredible healing energy to my space here on main street Nanton! I’m so incredibly happy to have these two amazing women join me at Primal Soul!
Hilary and & Heather are both talented RMT’s that will be at Primal Soul on Saturdays. Each woman will be here offering their divine healing massage 2 Saturdays a month, so no matter the week, massage will be offered here every Saturday!
Spots are booking up quickly, but we have a couple of appointments left for this Saturday with Hilary! You can reply to this email to book your divine healing massage appointment now!
As with any appointment, I always recommend booking yours in advance! If you’d like to book an appointment for any of the Saturdays in the future, do not hesitate to reach out!
You can learn more about these two talented lightworkers here --> https://www.primalsoul.ca/our-healing-team
Peace & hugs
